
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is a cultural institution in its 128th season with a vision “to deepen its engagement with the community, to nurture its legacy, and to collaborate with visionary artists.”

The institution’s goals were:  to create a digital solution to attract Millennials in order to maintain relevance in the community for years to come.

I spent two weeks figuring out: what programs does the symphony currently offer for Millennials, who are Millennials, how and why do they attend live music, what are the benefits and barriers to attending the symphony, as designers what can we effectively change and what is aspirational?

The result was a new app: focusing on summer, outdoor events but using them as a way to promote year-round programming at the Symphony Center. Summer events are lower barrier for new audiences with a casual environment and cheaper tickets. The app features two user flows. The first is to be used before the event, and enables users to purchase tickets, see and share logistics, background information, and supplementary media. The second flow would only be available during the performance, “Play” interactive game and activity features tailored to each event. An app was chosen because it enabled us to filter only relevant programming and information from the CSO’s 156 page website and, add a “Play” interactive features section.

 Please click the slideshow above to learn more about my UX process for this project.