
Shaily Hakimian is a Chicago-based, Social Media Sherpa. 

Her website goals were: for clients to better understand her services, be able to schedule a phone consultation, to gather information about potential clients before they speak to her on the phone, and buy her coaching packages online. 

Our team of four designers spent a week figuring out: who her potential clients are, how they shop for service providers online, what they need to know in order to build trust in a provider, and what they want to know about the services.

 The result was a new site with: information architecture that is much more intuitive, a “book a consultation” user flow with a short intake form and calendar scheduling feature, updated and relevant images, copy written in a voice that is professional, conversational, and fun like Shaily, and most importantly content that clearly defines Shaily’s services and value, with testimonials from past clients. 

Please click the slideshow above to learn more about my UX process for this project.