
G-Mart Comics is an e-commerce comic book store with brick and mortar locations in Chicago and Champaign, Illinois. ​

The business’ website redesign goals were: to improve the online comic book buying experience, create a website for both online & in-person customers, and sell more comics.

I spent two weeks figuring out: how indirect and direct competitors display highly visual products, how and why do customers shop for comics online and in-person, and how to use information architecture to promote intuitive site navigation for both local and global customers.

The result was a new site with: changing all list views to grid views, adding image carousels to maximize the size of the comic book cover and mirroring the way consumers enjoy browsing in comic stores, sorting inventory by categories of comics accessible both from the home page and “Browse” in navigation bar, ensuring buttons and links were used appropriately and consistently, and adding a dedicated Events page in the navigation bar to increase awareness of local artist events at the shop.

 Please click the slideshow above to learn more about my UX process for this project.